the jackson law firm

Everything You Need To Know about Georgia Traffic Violations

October 23, 2019

As with every state, Georgia has its own traffic laws, which means that there are traffic violations to learn about, too. It shouldn’t be a surprise that there are laws out there that many drivers are unaware of – they can’t read the entire book on traffic laws in Georgia, it’s over 500 pages long! No one is expected to be well-versed in every single law, but they are expected to be in the know about certain safety laws that will prevent them from traffic violations.

Central Lane Safety

There are traffic laws on the road that are designed to keep everyone safe while driving. There are restrictions on the use of the central lane of a highway, and most people in Georgia call this the chicken lane. If there is a lane going one direction, another lane going in the opposite direction and a central turn line, the purpose of this is to allow enough traffic through without blocking the through traffic. The law states that if there is a central lane, traffic may enter if they plan to make a left turn.

However, no vehicle may enter that lane more than 300 feet away from where they plan to make that left turn. Otherwise, they are at risk of a traffic violation. People who tend to flout this law and need to contest their ticket in court with a traffic lawyer are those who use the central lane to merge into traffic from their driveway. This is a safety issue as head-on collisions with those trying to rightly make a left turn can occur. It’s why the legislation doesn’t allow a driver to use a central lane to merge. If you try it, you’ll see a three-point fine on your license!

Bicycle Safety

Under Georgia law, there are provisions that apply to vehicles and there are those that apply to bicycles, too. There are a few exceptions, and those are the criminal aspect – such as vehicular homicide. The general rule is that all road laws in Georgia apply to bicycles. So, while a bicyclist has the right to ride on a paved shoulder of the road, it doesn’t mean that they are required to do so. So, a cyclist has the right to be in a traffic lane and can be treated just like any other vehicle on the road. Drivers in vehicles must treat cyclists like any other vehicle on the road.

Georgia Traffic Laws You Didn’t Know Existed

In Georgia, there are hundreds of ways to violate the laws of the road, and as long as you are acting as safely as possible, you should be just fine! Let’s take a look at ways you could violate traffic laws without even knowing it!

Move Over!

Back in 2009, the Georgia “Move Over” Law came into effect. Most people don’t understand the various ways that they can violate that law. The purpose of it is to protect civil servants and other law enforcement services that need to get out of their car on a busy highway. By law, all drivers must move over a lane when they go past law enforcement who are stopped on the side of the road.

No Texting – Even At The Red Light

Every state with sense has a “Don’t Text & Drive” law, as they should. However, in Georgia, even if you are at a red light you can still be slapped with a ticket. This could be a $50 fine and a point on your license. Go Right Four years have passed since the Georgia “Slowpoke Law” came into effect, and it requires drivers in the left lane on a multi-highway to move over if a faster car approaches from behind.

No Playgrounds

In Dublin, Georgia, you can’t drive through a playground or jungle gym. Seriously – this is a law! You can’t drive through a children’s play area, so should you ever get the urge, it’s best to avoid it!

Got A Georgia Traffic Ticket?

If you’ve been given a ticket for a traffic violation that you were not aware of, then you can contest it and the best place to do that is with the experienced traffic lawyers at Jackson Law Firm. Don’t hesitate to give our expert Dublin lawyers a call to discuss your case. We’ve been dealing with traffic violations and issues with tickets given for many years now, and if you need some help with yours, please give us a call.

Frequently Asked Questions about Traffic Lawyers

  • What are the types of traffic violations?

    There are many traffic violations that you can be charged with while operating a moving vehicle, including DUI, DWI, illegal lane change, incomplete stops, and more. Contact the Jackson Law

    Firm for assistance with your traffic tickets. 478-353-4444

  • What are serious traffic violations?

    A serious traffic violation can lead to more expensive tickets and points to your license. These violations include reckless driving, following too closely, and speeding 15 mph or more above the speed limit.

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