the jackson law firm

Is It Necessary To Hire a Lawyer After a Car Accident in Georgia?

May 2, 2022
Car Accident in Georgia

Car accidents are a common occurrence in any state, so it’s not too particularly surprising to experience or witness one at some point in your life. While many people can be guided to do what’s needed with the help of police officers and insurance agents, the long process after the accident is where they may need a little assistance. 

What happens after a car accident?

Shortly after any sort of car wreck, help will be on its way. Usually in the form of first responders, like police officers, who can help you navigate through the hectic situation. Depending on whether or not the accident was serious, things will be handled quite differently in the moments to months after the crash. The amount of time your claim requires can also vary dramatically depending on the severity of the accident.

GA Auto Accident Attorney

Minor Accidents

After you are sure that you and all others involved haven’t been injured, you’ll want to get yourself and your vehicle to a safe place. The others involved in the accident should also remain on the scene. Call 911 even if the accident was minor and no one was injured. The police officers will help to collect important information about insurance and the details in an accident report. You’ll then exchange information with the other driver. You’ll need their name, contact, license, and insurance information as well as additional details that describe the accident. Get any helpful resources together that will allow you to make a case with the insurance company.

Major Accidents

Major accidents will likely result in more/serious injuries and the aftermath will happen at a fast pace. First responders will be on their way to the scene to help those injured. Instead of staying to sort things out, you may end up being whisked away to the hospital. The police will collect details from the scene and obtain more information from the injured later on. There is much more at risk with major accidents: lives, physical disabilities, and transportation, as well as being able to work and make a living. Because of these losses, the claim process can be more intense and you’ll want to fight for appropriate compensation.

personal injury attorney

When You Should Hire a Personal Injury Lawyer After a Car Wreck

Although it is not necessary or legally required to hire a personal injury lawyer after an accident, there are some cases where it can be much more beneficial. Sometimes, the insurance company alone can use the given information to reach a verdict on your case. This is usually the case for more minor accidents. However, with major accidents, it’s possible that you won’t end up getting everything back that you deserve. Or it can turn into a “he said, she said” situation where further investigation and reasoning is required. If this is your case, then we recommend looking into a personal injury lawyer.

How to Settle a Car Accident Claim Without a Lawyer

Although they can definitely help, no personal injury lawyers are required in the bulk of cases. With most minor accidents, people are likely to handle things on their own with the insurance agency. They go through the process of gathering information, details, and pictures then submit them to the insurance company when they file a claim. However, doing this alone means you will have limited demanding power and could have trouble overturning any unfair settlements.

GA personal injury attorney

Ways You Can Benefit from a Personal Injury Lawyer

For any accident big or small, having a
personal injury lawyer means always having someone looking out for you. They are much more involved and personal with your case than any insurance agent. Insurance agents will see numerous cases in a day, but personal injury lawyers will take their time on yours. They allow you to receive maximum benefits and a better settlement. You won’t have to find your way through the system on your own. Here are some additional benefits of hiring a personal injury lawyer after a car crash:

  • You can focus on other matters like recovery
  • More understanding of the situation at hand
  • Help with negotiations
  • Receive larger settlements
  • Your lawyer can represent you during a trial

Call The Jackson Law Firm to Settle Your Case

If you’ve been in a car accident and would feel better with a trusted attorney at your side, call The Jackson Law Firm to get the settlement you deserve. Our team of top-rated
Dublin, GA lawyers will work hard to research the situation and its effects in order to create an outstanding case. In the end, we can help you achieve just compensation for all your losses. When you need a personal injury lawyer that fights for you, call 478-353-4444.

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